Friday 2 September 2016

Vulkan Tutorial - Introduction

Hi, With all the buzz about the latest Graphics API Vulkan, I thought I'd create a series of tutorials and sample code. One of the things that was good about OpenGL was the vast knowledge base that was easily available online. This would be essential for any new technology/idea. As you may already know, Vulkan is the latest Graphics API released by Khronos and most IHVs have already shipped the initial Vulkan implementations. There's already quite a bit of information available as to how you can setup and start using Vulkan, so I will skip that part. There are however some ideas/concepts I would like to make it clear that I didn't see available from other sources. 

 In the introduction, I will have more of an FAQ based Q and A section to introduce Vulkan. 

 1. So, Vulkan is the next OpenGL right?
Vulkan is NOT replacing OpenGL. I repeat, Vulkan is not a replacement for OpenGL. Vulkan is a low level, explicit API that is designed to solve a specific set of problem(s). If, as an application developer, you're not facing those issues, then -- NO, you probably don't need Vulkan. 

 2. So, what is Vulkan good for? 
Good question. Some of the main problems that Vulkan is trying to solve are- 
- Having low CPU driver overhead. 
- Be more explicit and give better access to hardware. 
- Be multithreaded friendly. 
- Be truly cross-platform. 
- And a few more. The above are the most important ones. 
 As you may know, OpenGL has been around for quite a while (~24 years as of this writing). It has undergone significant changes, but fundamentally, OpenGL was not designed to solve the above mentioned three problems. GPU and CPU hardware has changed immensely since the first version of OpenGL. 

 3. What do you mean by 'CPU driver overhead' 
The main job of the OpenGL(or any GPU driver software) is to submit commands to the GPU. The GPU is supposed to run parallel to the CPU and the main goal of the driver software is to pick up commands from the application and submit them to the GPU. 

 4. What is the overhead involved? (3) seems quite simple. Why is it so CPU intensive?
Conceptually, the idea looks simple. However, the driver has to do a LOT of operations in the back. By design, OpenGL was meant as an "easy" API. By "easy", I mean that the application developer need not have to worry a lot. He/She can just call the simple APIs and the driver makes sure things work. Now, with a simple API, the driver has to do a lot of things, namely maintaining certain heuristics about how the application is using resources, making intelligent guesses to provide optimizations, guessing how the buffers would be used by application, doing state validations, allocating and cleaning up of memory and tonnes of other things. All this work tends to create huge bottlenecks on the CPU. So, there could be applications that are bound on the CPU. 

 5. Ok, I understand that the driver has a lot of work, but what is this "bound by the CPU"?
An application is said to be bound by CPU if it has amassed so much work for the GPU, but not able to submit commands to the GPU since the driver is still busy doing stuff on the CPU. In this case, what happens is that the GPU is actually stalling on the CPU! And this is a bad thing. The GPU is meant to be running parallel to the CPU. 

6. Can you give examples of how my application would be CPU bound? 
If you're familiar with OpenGL, draw calls tend to be quite heavy. There's lot of state validation, etc. that happens in the GL driver that makes draw calls CPU intensive. So, if your application has a lot of draw calls, it may start becoming CPU bound. This is a simple example of how your application may be CPU bound. You may want to use profilers or the right debuggers to actually find out if your application is CPU bound. 

 7. Ok, I understand all of this. I am a newbie to Computer Graphics, do you advice me to use Vulkan? 
It really depends. If you just want to learn Graphics and experiment a bit, Vulkan may not be the right choice for you. However, if you want to know how drivers may work and learn more closely to the hardware, maybe you can try using Vulkan. 

8. New is always good right? So shouldn't I not use Vulkan for my production code? 
Wait..calm down! Before using a new API, you'd want to profile and find out if you really are CPU bound or maybe having other issues that OpenGL cannot solve. If the answer is yes, then use Vulkan. 

 9. Why can't OpenGL solve all those problems mentioned in (2). 
It does, to some extent. There are proprietary extensions available that have low driver overheads. Multi-threaded command submission is also available to some extent. You may want to check out the following 

  1. OpenGL AZDO
  2. OpenGL Batching
  3. Command Lists
 If none of those help, Vulkan is the right choice for you. 

10. What do you mean by 'more explicit'?
OpenGL, by design, hides many things from the application. This causes application not to be sure of the behavior. Another thing is that different Hardware Vendors may implement certain things a bit differently causing application behavior across different vendors to be slightly unpredictable. Vulkan on the other hand is designed to not have these unpredictability. 

11. What is meant by 'multithreaded-friendly'?
OpenGL was designed when CPUs had one core and multithreaded programming wasn't mainstream. But was time went by, multi-threaded programming and multi-core CPUs started becoming very common and the APIs design couldn't really scale well. There is a provision of creating shared contexts in OpenGL, but the command submission is generally serialized. This is one of the major issues in current day rendering engines that use OpenGL. There's always a single "render thread" that submits all draw calls. To say it in simpler words, OpenGL was never meant to be multithreaded friendly. 

12. Why do you say OpenGL is NOT truly Cross-platform. 
If you have really written applications that are shipped on Desktop, Embedded and multiple OSes, you'd probably know what I mean. True, OpenGL ES is meant to be a subset of OpenGL. However, there are always a lot of issues you could run into if your application is meant to be supported on multiple platforms. Another major issue is the Window system interfacing. The whole Wgl, EGL, X11 code creates a big mess of #ifdefs! This is another major problem Vulkan is trying to solve. Have one code that runs on multiple platforms with very minimal ifdefs. This is possible via the WSI(Window System Integration). So, these are some of the questions I had before I started learning Vulkan. 

I hope this helped you as well. We can start learning more in the coming tutorials. Please leave questions if you feel I can add more details.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Linux Memory management


This article concentrates on some useful commands that come in handy while analyzing memory related performance issues on Linux.

The article is inspired from this video. I've listed down all the commands mentioned in that video. The video is pretty long and this article is an attempt to create a gist of items mentioned there.


1. vmstat:-

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 1  0      0 4698476 172856 1552720    0    0     3    12   82   79  2  1 98  0  0

2. dstat --top-oom:- This command helps us to find out which process would be terminated first in case of high memory consumption. In such a case, the kernel terminates the highest memory consumer. This command helps us find that out.

3. getconf PAGE_SIZE:- This returns the default page size on the machine. On my Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit, I see this as follows:-

mukund@mukund-desktop:~$ getconf PAGE_SIZE

4. pmap:- This returns the address mapping of a process. Here, in the output, we can see the virtual address and the location of the actual file. The 'anon' are heap and stack memory.

mukund@mukund-desktop:~$ ps -ae | grep term
 2205 ?        00:00:20 gnome-terminal
mukund@mukund-desktop:~$ pmap 2205
2205:   gnome-terminal
0000000000400000    284K r-x-- gnome-terminal
0000000000646000      4K r---- gnome-terminal
0000000000647000     12K rw--- gnome-terminal
0000000000b93000   8400K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f309c000000    136K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f309c022000  65400K -----   [ anon ]
00007f30a4000000    132K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f30a4021000  65404K -----   [ anon ]
00007f30a958d000      4K -----   [ anon ]
00007f30a958e000   8192K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f30a9d8e000  35272K r---- icon-theme.cache
00007f30ac000000    136K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f30ac022000  65400K -----   [ anon ]
00007f30b0000000    324K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f30b0051000  65212K -----   [ anon ]
00007f30b4113000      4K -----   [ anon ]
00007f30b4114000   8192K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f30b4914000    356K r-x--
00007f30b496d000   2048K -----
00007f30b4b6d000      8K r----
00007f30b4b6f000      4K rw---
00007f30b4b70000      4K rw---   [ anon ]
00007f30b4b71000     24K r-x--
00007f30b4b77000   2048K -----
00007f30b4d77000      4K r----
00007f30b4d78000      4K rw---
00007f30b4d79000    132K r-x--
00007f30b4d9a000   2044K -----
00007f30b4f99000      4K r----
00007f30b4f9a000      4K rw---
00007f30b4f9b000   1392K r-x--
00007f30b50f7000   2048K -----
 total           662024K

5. top:- This command can prove really useful at times. Here, 'VIRT' shows the amount of virtual memory being used and 'RES' shows the amount of memory present in RAM. There's a catch with the 'RES' memory. There are some libraries, like libC that are used by several processes. There's a single copy of this lib in physical memory, which is mapped into virtual memory of all processes. However, top counts this per process. As a result, the sum of all 'RES' memory is generally greater than the actual physical memory.

2003 mukund    20   0 2210808 1.009g  89752 S  42.9 13.0  88:17.77 firefox

1151 root      20   0  359768  68188  32756 S   5.7  0.8  18:06.65 Xorg
1887 mukund    20   0 1630664 182452  75164 S   3.0  2.2  10:08.64 compiz
1305 mukund    20   0  379444  11852   7008 S   1.0  0.1   0:40.29 ibus-daemon
1678 mukund     9 -11  513332  12108   9728 S   1.0  0.1   1:04.37 pulseaudio
2205 mukund    20   0  662024  34672  24640 S   1.0  0.4   0:21.38 gnome-terminal


Here, we see libc mapped as follows, for PID 2003

mukund@mukund-desktop:~$ pmap 2003 | grep libc
00007f9277d1d000   1772K r-x--
00007f9277ed8000   2044K -----
00007f92780d7000     16K r----
00007f92780db000      8K rw---

For PID 2205, we see the same libc mapped as follows:-

mukund@mukund-desktop:~$ pmap 2205 | grep libc
00007f30c6580000   1772K r-x--
00007f30c673b000   2044K -----
00007f30c693a000     16K r----
00007f30c693e000      8K rw---

So, we can see that there is only one physical copy of the file, however mapped into the virtual address space of two different processes. However, top counts this as two separate 'RES' memory.
This script can be used to determine a pretty accurate picture of the actual physical memory being used.

6. cat /proc/<PID>/smaps:- This command can be used to find the clean, dirty pages per process.

7.  cat /proc/meminfo: This can be used to find the total memory related information in the system. This below command can be used to find inactive and dirty pages.

mukund@mukund-desktop:~/Desktop$ cat /proc/meminfo | egrep -i "inactive|dirty"
Inactive:         725508 kB
Inactive(anon):    16384 kB
Inactive(file):   709124 kB
Dirty:                88 kB

The anonymous memory is the memory not mapped onto files, like the heap or the stack memory. This memory can only be moved to the swap space to page out.

8. min_free is the amount of memory after which the kernel(kswapd0 therad) starts seeing OOM and starts freeing memory.

mukund@mukund-desktop:~/Desktop$ ps -aux|grep swap
root        52  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    Jul06   0:00 [kswapd0]

mukund@mukund-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo sysctl -a | grep -i min_free
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.all.stable_secret"
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.default.stable_secret"
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.eth0.stable_secret"
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.lo.stable_secret"
vm.min_free_kbytes = 11350

9. sysq-trigger:- This is an interesting command to do special requests to the Linux kernel. The documentation can be found here.


echo f > sysrq-trigger

This triggers the OOM killer.

10. lscpu:- This is a nice utility to get great information about your CPU.

mukund@mukund-desktop:~/Desktop$ lscpu
Architecture:          x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                4
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
Thread(s) per core:    1
Core(s) per socket:    4
Socket(s):             1
NUMA node(s):          1
Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel
CPU family:            6
Model:                 42
Stepping:              7
CPU MHz:               2964.828
BogoMIPS:              5587.24
Virtualization:        VT-x
L1d cache:             32K
L1i cache:             32K
L2 cache:              256K
L3 cache:              6144K
NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-3 -o min_flt,maj_flt <pid>: This command can be used to find the major and minor page faults of a process.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Linear Algebra - 6


So far, we have covered little bits about vectors, matrices, etc. Now, let's discuss about functions. These are the ideas that later lead us to transformations. So, let's begin!

What are functions?

In simple terms, Functions are basically a mapping from one set to another. If we take examples like sin, cos, log, etc, these are basically functions that take an input and give an output. So, it takes a number and gives a number. And if you're familiar with computer programming, here is what a C function looks like:

int sample_function(int num)
    return num * num;

This takes a number, and gives the square of it. Mathematically, this can be written as:$$f(x) = x ^ 2$$

Scalar valued and Vector valued functions:

Functions like sin, cos and the above example are all called as scalar valued functions. What this means is, these functions return a value in R. So, the output is generally a real number. But, functions are not restricted to just this. Functions can be what we call as vector valued functions. These are functions that return tuples of Rn. For example: $$f(x_1, x_2, x_3) = (x_1 + x_2, x_1 + x_3)$$
Now, this is a perfectly valid vector valued function. These functions generally do a mapping from$$R^m -> R^n$$ 
In the above example, it is a mapping from R3 to R2. These functions are called as Transformations. It is just a different name given to the same concept we had for scalar valued functions. The general notation used for transformation is T.

Linear Transformations

A linear transformation is a function(or transformation) iff $$T(\vec a + \vec b) = T(\vec a) + T(\vec b)$$ $$T(c\vec a) = cT(\vec a)$$
If a transformation obeys the above two points, it is a linear transformation. A linear transformation generally would involve linear combinations of components.
Now, let us take an example. Let $$T(x_1, x_2) = (x_1 + x_2, 3x_1)$$
Now, let $$\vec a = (a_1, a_2)   and   \vec b = (b_1, b_2)$$ $$T(\vec a) + T(\vec b) = (a_1 + a_2, 3a_1) + (b_1 + b_2, 3b_1) = (a_1 + a_2 + b_1 + b_2, 3a_1 + 3b_1)$$
 Now,$$T(\vec a + \vec b) = (a_1 + b_1 + a_2 + b_2, 3(a_1 + b_1)$$
Clearly, both these are same. Similarly, we can prove that $$T(c\vec a) = cT(\vec a)$$
 Thus, the above transformation is a linear transformation. Now, it can be shown that $$T(x_1, x_2) = (x_1^2, 0)$$ is a non-linear transformation. So, generally, transformations would be linear if they have linear combinations of components.

Linear Algebra - 5


Now that we have seen a little about matrices, let's now discuss about matrix multiplication. I will not be discussing how matrix multiplication is done. That is essentially a method. However, i will try to express what matrix multiplication essentially is. Please correct me if there are mistakes in my posts.

Matrix Multiplication by a vector

Before we dive into multiplication of matrices with vectors, let's closely examine what truly a matrix is.
Now, a matrix is essentially a bunch of vectors. We can visualize a matrix in two ways. 

a) Matrix as a bunch of row vectors:$${\begin{pmatrix} \vec r_1  \\ \vec r_2 \end{pmatrix}}$$

Here,$$ \vec r_1 = (a_1, a_2, a_3..a_n) $$$$ \vec r_2 = (b_1, b_2, b_3..b_n) $$  

Thus, the matrix is an  2 x n matrix. since it has two rows and n columns. 

b)Matrix as a bunch of column vectors
Now, the same matrix can be expressed in another way:$${\begin{pmatrix} \vec c_1 \vec c_2 .... \vec c_n \end{pmatrix}}$$
where $$c_1 = (a_1, b_1)$$$$c_2 = (a_2, b_2)$$$$c_n = (a_n, b_n)$$

Thus, we have two ways of looking at the same matrix!Now, let's take a look at matrix multiplication. A matrix multiplication with a vector is essentially the dot product of the vector with each of the row vectors of the matrix. Or, it can also be seen as the sum of the scalar products or the column vectors.

Let's take an example. Let's take a 2x2 matrix $$A = {\begin{pmatrix} 1   2  \\ 3   4 \end{pmatrix}}$$ or
$$A = {\begin{pmatrix} \vec r_1  \\ \vec r_2 \end{pmatrix}}$$
where $$ \vec r_1 = (1, 2)$$$$\vec r_2 = (3, 4)$$
Now, let $$\vec x = (x_1, x_2) $$Now, A.X can be written as $${\begin{pmatrix} \vec r_1   dot  \vec x\\ \vec r_2  dot   \vec x \end{pmatrix}}$$The same can also be written as:$$x_1 * \vec c_1 + x_2 * \vec c_2$$ 

where c1 and c2 are column vectors of A, i.e c1 = (1, 3) and c2 = (2, 4).Thus, this is an interesting way in which matrices can be looked at.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Linear Algebra - 4


So, we have covered some stuff about vectors and their linear combinations, let us now take a look at matrices. Matrices are mathematical objects used to represent arrays of numbers in a neat way. They are mostly used to represent a system of linear transformations. Please note that these are brief overview of concepts and not an in-depth analysis containing proofs. As mentioned in Part-1 of these blogs, these are meant as "notes" for the Khan Academy videos. Please watch the videos for detailed explanation of these concepts.

For example, $$ a * \vec x + b * \vec y = \vec c  |  \vec a, \vec b \in R^2$$$$ a * (x_1, x2_) + b * (y_1, y_2) = (c_1, c_2)  |  \vec a, \vec b \in R^2$$

This can be represented using matrices as, and let AB be the product. 

$${\begin{pmatrix} x_1 & y_1  \\  x_2 & y_2 \end{pmatrix}*\begin{pmatrix} a \\ b \end{pmatrix}=AB}$$

Now the right hand side of the equation previous to the above can be represented as,$${\begin{pmatrix} c_1 \\  c_2 \end{pmatrix}=AB}$$

Thus, using matrices, we can neatly represent the above linear system of equations.Operations that can be performed on matrices are:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Scalar Multiplication
- Matrix Multiplication

Null Space of  a Matrix:

Since we have seen briefly what a matrix is, let us define the null space of matrix. We can visualise a matrix as a set of row vectors or as a set of column vectors.

Here, we can visualize the matrix as consisting of vectors(x1, x2) and (y1, y2) or as (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) $${\begin{pmatrix} x_1 & y_1  \\  x_2 & y_2 \end{pmatrix}}$$

Now, the Null-Space of a matrix A is the set of all vectors of the matrix such that
$$A \vec X = \vec 0 $$
If the above condition is true, then vector X belongs to the null-space of matrix A.
It is interesting to note that if the column vectors of a matrix are linearly independent, then 0 vector is the only element of the null-space of the matrix. 

Column Space of  a Matrix:

The column space of a matrix is the set of all possible combinations of all the column vectors of the matrix. Hmm, linear combinations of vectors? Ring a bell?
Yes, it is the span. Thus, column space of a matrix is nothing but the span of all the column vectors of A.

Consider a matrix$${A=\begin{pmatrix} x_1 & y_1  \\  x_2 & y_2 \end{pmatrix}}$$
Thus, $$C(A) = span(x, y) $$

Note: if the column vectors of a matrix are linearly independent, then they can be the basis for the column space of A.

Linear Algebra - 3


Now that we have seen what span of a set of vectors is, let us see some more concepts. 

What is linear dependence of vectors?

Vectors are linearly dependent iff one vectors can be obtained from another(one vector is the scalar product of the other). For example, (3, 0) can be obtained from (1, 0). Thus, these two vectors are linearly dependent. There are different ways to check for linear dependency of vectors.

One way is as follows: 
Consider a linear combination of vectors a and b as follows:
$$ c_1 * \vec a+ c_2 * \vec b  = \vec 0 $$  
Now, if c1 or c2 is non-zero, the a and b are linearly dependent.

Linear Subspace of Rn

The linear subspace of Rn is defined as follows:

S is the linear subspace of Rn iff:

  1. S contains the 0 vector.
  2. For any vector X in S, c * X is also in S. (Closure under scalar multiplication).
  3. For any 2 vectors a and b, (a + b) is in S. (Closure under addition).
Thus, if any set S in Rn satisfies the above 3 conditions, the it is a linear subspace of Rn.

Let us consider an example:

Is 0 vector a valid linear subspace under Rn?

Now, let us verify the 3 conditions:

- Does it have the 0 vector? yes
- Is it closed under scalar addition?
      Let us check: c * 0vec = 0vec. Thus c * 0vec belongs to the set. So, yes
- Is it closed under addition?
      0vec + 0vec = 0vec. Thus, it is closed under addition. So, yes

Thus, 0vector is a valid linear subspace under Rn.

Basis of a (linear) Subspace:

Consider a set:$$V=span( V_1 , V_2, V_3 ... V_n  |  V_i \in R^n)$$

Now, if this set is linearly independent, then (V1, V2, .. Vn) is a basis for V. 

So, what this means is, we can obtain any vector in the span of (V1, V2, .. Vn), by using a linear combination of the vectors (V1, V2, .. Vn).
Also, note that the basis should be a minimum set such that it covers the subspace.

Let us take an example and see this: Now, let $$ S = span( (1, 0) , (0, 1) ) $$
Clearly,  (1, 0) , (0, 1) are linearly independent. So, this can be a basis for span((1, 0) , (0, 1)). Now, let us take another example:

$$ S = span( (1, 0) , (0, 1), (4, 0)) $$
 Here,  (1, 0) , (0, 1), (4, 0) are not linearly independent since one of the vectors here is redundant(in that one can be generated from the other). Although
span((1, 0) , (0, 1), (4, 0)) would be a valid subspace, this is not the minimum set with which we can cover the subspace. Thus, in this case, S cannot be the basis for the span((1, 0) , (0, 1), (4, 0)).

Note: It is quite interesting to note that although (1, 0) and (0, 1) are chosen as the most common basis vectors for R2, there can be several other vectors that can be the basis for Rn!


Linear Algebra - 2


In the last post, we say some basics of vectors. Now, let us dive a little more into the topic.  Now, we saw that vectors can be added, subtracted and multiplied(cross and dot). Vectors can also be multiplied by constants.

So,$$c*V=\{ c*X_1 , c* X_2,  c*X_3 ... c*X_n  |  c_i \in R \}$$ 

Now, a linear combination of entities is an expression obtained by multiplying each entity by a constant and adding results.

eg: ax + by(where a and b are constants) is a linear combination of x and y.

What is a linear combination of vectors?

A linear combination of vectors is defined as follows:

$$\{ c_1*X_1  + c_2 *  X_2 + c_3 * X_3 + ... c_n * X_n  |   c_i \in R \}$$ 

This represents all the  linear combinations of vectors (X1...Xn).

Span of a set of vector(s)

Now that we saw what it means by a linear combination of vectors, now let us define an interesting concept called as span. The span of a set of vectors is defined as follows:

$$span(X_1, X_2, ... X_n)=\{ c_1*X_1  + c_2 *  X_2 + c_n * X_3 + ... c_n * X_n \}$$ 

Thus, the span of a set of vectors is the set of all linear combination of the vectors.

Now, if we take the example. $$span( (1, 0), (0, 1) )$$
So, by definition, span is the set of all the linear combination of (1, 0) and (0, 1).  Now, we can make an interesting question.

Can the span of vectors constitute Rn?

What this mean is, can the span cover the entire space? Now, let us see our above example of (1, 0) and (0, 1). Clearly, the span gives the following:

$$span( (1, 0), (0, 1) )=\{ c_1 * (1, 0)  + c_2 *  (0, 1) + c_3 * (1, 0) + c_4 * (0, 1) + ... \}$$

So, we can have all sorts of constants, any number of times. Now, let us see if this covers the entire two dimensional space R2. Can we derive an arbitrary vector (x, y) 
from these two vectors? Let us see.

Now, if we need to derive any vector (x, y) from the above two vectors, then we have
$$ c_1 * (1, 0) + .. +  c_m * (1, 0) + c_2 * (0, 1) + ... + c_n * (0, 1) = (x, y) $$
$$ c_1 + ... + c_m = x $$
$$ c_2 + ... + c_n  = y $$

Now, since all of the constants "c"s belong to R, it is definitely possible to obtain a solution for x and y, as long as there is at least one non-zero constant. Thus, if we obtain a non-zero solution for the equation above, this means that the span( (1, 0), (0, 1) ) indeed covers R2.

Can span() of any vectors constitute Rn?

No, the span() would constitute Rn iff every vector of Rn can be obtained by the vectors. Now, clearly, span((1, 0), (0, 1)) constitutes R2. However, take the following example: $$span((1, 0), (2, 0))$$

Clearly, any linear combination of (1, 0) and (2, 0) cannot generate for example, the vector (1, 1). Thus, the span of these two vectors cannot constitute Rn.